02. Why Record in General?

Here are my top 10 reasons to become committed to recording on a daily basis:

10. With all the mobile phone apps that are available (and hundreds more in development), you’ve got well over 50 solid options to “capture” who you are.

09. Hearing yourself recorded can help you rethink your identity. It can forge new career fields that will open up for you. especially if you have your own website with a live voicemail of sorts that’s able to be heard by anyone you wish.

08. You can document your thoughts for super cheap and file these sessions for others to access or simply for you own benefit.

07. Your family can connect with you at different times – they can upload a file with a mobile application on their cell phones such as “HeyTell” and have and enjoy a higher quality short message than on a traditional cell phone or video conferencing call. Imagine hearing a traveling loved one with the same quality as if they were in the same room with you, no matter the miles apart. You don’t lose sound quality as the miles between you and them increase.

06. Recording a daily log can actually help police and local/national officials with detailed “clues” as to your whereabouts if you lose track of time, get lost while camping, become a hostage or get kidnapped. Even a message delivered to several friends and/or family before getting in a car wreck can provide vital information and proof of your location, motives, and alibi for legal reasons.


05. Statistically, people who read, write and record are more likely to be smarter and become true critical thinkers.

04. You can record the spiritual thoughts and feelings for others to have after you die. You can even inspire hundreds of other through a medium of posting recorded dialogue called Podcasts. This is career-changing if you’re a clergy-member, motivational speaker or need to review your delivery of content to your specific audience.

03. You really owe this to yourself and those that know and love you.

02. Would you put a price on hundreds of sentences interlaced between the pages of a book your great-grandmother once used while she was in middle school?

01. You can essentially become immortalized through the thoughts, poems, dialogue, songs, or ditties you compose – however mundane or boring.

So what are some of your goals in recording and music or capturing who you are? Post them in the comments section or email me at troyinlasvegas@gmail.com

Wanna discover the real science behind your vocal cords and ears?