One Cheetah’s Fight Against ADHD (Starring Adam Sessler!)

Well, It’s been a good 5 and 1/2 hours trying to understand “Secondary Dominants” in Music Theory, but alas – I must go to bed. 🙂

And here is a story about a Cheetah named Yort who suffers from ADHD/ADD.
from Facebook

Mississippi Songwriters Festival, Ocean Springs, MS

This event and others like it are the very reason why I decided to become a writer and say yes, to wonderful co-writing opportunities over the last few years.

I’m beyond excited to fully take in all the wisdom and opportunity to get to know all the other amazingly brilliant songwriters. Like myself, I’m sure that they’ve had many ideas and still others that have molded into a full-length song.

It makes me think of the lyrics by Tom Petty in the song, “A Mind with a Heart of It’s Own”

We’ve “raised” these gifts of a group of songs and “sent them off to college” to pay it forward in the world. So come down to the Ocean Springs, MS coastline and join me and all the songwriters. Each venue is FREE to attend.

Check out the link above (or below), to get specific directions. 🙂
from Facebook