07. Digital Literacy? – What the Heck are They Talking About Yo?

I have found that people who are “digitally literate” are more likely to be economically secure and sound with choices they make be it with their job or the content they share with many in Facebook.com

Most jobs require a working knowledge of computers and the Internet to perform basic functions. Sometimes, if you can’t operate the instore kiosk for the application, you won’t even get to the interviewing process. So when wireless technology improves i nthe future, more jobs will demand proficiency w/ company and personal cell phones/PDAs and your specific career will either be hindered by your expertese or heightened.

As technology has become cheaper and more readily available, even the more “blue-collared” job types have begun using and thus reqiuring digital literacy in some cases. Collection and analysis of raw data about productivity and market trends are beginning to be the “sword in the stone”  of smart and ethically transparent business models just to stay competitive. And sometimes, all you have to do is call the front office up and come in to drop of your resume and be unethically judged of your skillsets within the realm of Digital Literacy. This is exspecially true when your resume reflects the content of your character and preferneces in clothing and attire.

Also, as applied in the music and film world – try to study key words and phrases that you hear people using. This will help greatly when you get your interviews. It will also help the team you’ll be joining (regardless of the time length of the project), and they’ll love you for taking the time to get to know the field on your own time. Even if you have questions that you think are basic – that’s the point; you really do need those huge chunks of knowledge in order to recall them when everyone is counting on you.

Also, take the information gathered in you mind or on a notepad with a few grains of salt – keep in mind everyone has their own personal episteme and life experiences that color and shape their ideology about the current question or principle you’re learning. And lastly, remember that you and all the people you get to interact with are human; never treat anyone subhuman. This is hugely important when you have an international itenary on your project. Some colors in your pictures might be offensive or not commonly used in or overseas cultures. Do your homework. :o)

03. The Progression of the Internet (Within the Context of Sound)


In this post we’ll be exploring how this thing we call the Internet/ WWW began and our interaction with it over the years. A huge question is “When should technology go viral? It’s presence is usually geared towards something of comedic value or something similar to the email forwards of massive amounts of cute kittens and cats literally flipping out to common household objects and other pets. But is there something more to a video or picture “going viral”?

And more importantly, as creators of audio and video, do we have control over that snowball effect of notoriety in online communities?

Also, with if we were to poll the processing power of let’s say 500,000 users who would back a cause or forward the work of a http://www.kickstarter.com project significantly? How would we internally gauge this and turn it into raw usable data so that we could share this with as many people are possible? Well, all of these questions are now the new normal for technological advanced users and even the “smart people” who have been the cause of all the boom of the app market.

Technology and Computers in general have been said to have the shortest lag time in the business world, and conversely – primary education (K through 12th grade) has the slowest lag time when we’re talking about an idea being born and it being implemented within existing curriculum at schools.

truth passed through 3 distinct stages violently opposed, lastly accepted as self-evident